Colostrum has been called "the nature of the food first." This is the pre-milk product from a fluid the mother of the mammary gland during the first 36 hours after birth. It is not milk or a nutritional supplement. It's all "functional" food for the newborn, of course product and in perfect combination. Its function is to serve as a basis for life.Your life!

Colostrum supplies life support immune and growth factors and a perfect combination vitamins and minerals to ensure the health, vitality and growth of the newborn. Each drop contains the promise of life: immunoglobulins, growth factors, antibodies, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and other substances to help the body in an invasion by the life of different viruses, bacteria, allergens and toxins pliƩ the destruction.

However, the beginning of almost all infectious and degenerative diseases, including cancer and heart disease, is preceded or accompanied by lowering the immune system. Colostrum in nature is unique in that it is the only food to provide shelter critical, such as immunoglobulins, leukocytes, cytokines, lactoferrin, interferon and rich prolene peptides (PRP), the body needs to fight infection and restore immune function.