1) Natural Antibodies

Colostrum is nature’s only supplemental source of the antibodies and immunoglobulins that fight allergens, yeast, bacterial and viral infections.

Scientific studies report that Colostrum contains all four of the key immunoglobulins: IgG, IgM, IgA and secretory IgA.

PLUS: The Cytokines: Interleukin 1 and 6, tumour necrosis factor and interferon y, and Lymphokines, Lactoferrin, Lactalbumins, and other specific components that have been shown to be effective in killing invading viruses, bacteria, yeasts, protozoas and pollutants.

Medical studies indicate that most invading disease enters the body through the mucus lining of the small intestine. Colostrum has been shown to coat the mucus lining of the digestive system and other mucus membranes with antibodies to neutralize the invading bacteria, viruses, yeasts, pollutants and allergens and their toxins before they can enter the body. Further, Colostrum’s growth factors stimulate the rapid healing and regrowth of damaged mucal lining to stop further penetration of pathogens.

2) Immune System

Scientific studies have shown that a key component of Colostrum (PRP) is a major regulator of the immune system. Clinical studies show that PRP can be effective in activating an under-active immune system to take action against disease - causing organisms as well as suppressing an over-active immune system where the body is attacking itself, often seen in auto-immune diseases such as Lupus, MS and rheumatoid arthritis.

3) The ALPHA LIPID™ Advantage

New Image has developed ALPHA LIPID™ - a patented exclusive coating made up of added complex lipids which enhances the solubility of Colostrum - delivering it much more effectively to the key areas of the body with positive effects on the liver, gut and brain function. Phospholipids, components of ALPHA LIPID™ , have been associated with improved memory and also shown to help elevate mood and reduce the symptoms of depression.

4) Easily Absorbable Calcium

There are 1000mg of calcium in each serving of Alpha Lipid Lifeline. Concentrated calcium from cow’s milk is the most accessible and easily assimilated form of this mineral. 1000mg of calcium daily is close to the RDA and will ensure promotion of healthy bone structure and give protection against the development of Osteoporosis if taken on a daily basis over a lifetime.

5) Natural Intestinal Flora

Antibiotics, some cortisone-like drugs, birth control pills, alcohol, some food additives, caffeine, chlorinated or fluoridated drinking water and stress can destroy the natural intestinal flora. People who have had the natural balance of flora disturbed need a reinforcement of naturally occurring lactobacillus acidophilus, as contained in ALPHA LIPID™ LIFELINE™.

6) Growth Factor Hormones

Colostrum is the only natural supplemental source of the actual growth factors (hormones) IgF-1, TgF A & B, FgF, EgF, and PDgF, that research has shown control normal muscle, nerve and cartilage cell growth, regeneration and repair.

Naturally produced in your youth, they diminish with age. Without them, the body ages and we grow old:
• Anti-aging
• Shown to be effective in building new lean muscle tissue and decreased fat.
• Shown to be effective in increased burning of fat and decreased burning of muscle tissue.
• Shown to stimulate growth and regeneration of muscle, skin, cartilage and nerve tissue due to athletic stress, age, injury or trauma.

Scientific studies show that Colostrum from cows contains more immune and growth factors than human Colostrum, and is completely assimilable by humans.

7) Cholesterol Reduction

A number of double blind studies in the USA involving patients with high serum lipids showed reductions in arteriosclerosis and arterial plaque of 15%.
8) Anti-Inflammatory Properties

There is substantial evidence to show that people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and offer inflammatory disease have had considerable relief from using Colostrum-based products.

1) Because Alpha Lipid Lifeline is Different
Find out more about colostrum from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colostrum

-Alpha Lipid Lifeline contains patented ingredient ( Alpha Lipid ) which boosts Brain Function and increase Absorption Rate by 100%..
-Alpha Lipid Lifeline NOT only contains Colostrum but many other additional supplementation including up to 1125 mg of calcium.
-Alpha Lipid Lifeline is added is Acidophilus, Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Vitamins -A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D3, E, , folic acid, biotin, ferrous fumerate and magnesium oxide.

it's ALL IN ONE everything YOU NEED

2) New Image is the FIRST company to produce/market Colostrum
Check here http://www.newimageasia.com/colostrum.php


Not 1 but 3 export awards!!!

New Image International has again been named a finalist in the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise 2004 Export Awards.

NewimageNews » Biotechnology Export Award New Image received another Export Award

All colostrum IS NOT the same. From start to finish, Alpha Lipid colostrum harvested from cows raised in New Zealand, is superior to any other colostrum in the world. This is all due to the ideal pure climate, pesticide, antibiotic and BSE free pasture-fed cows, highly regulated farming techniques, and a multi-million dollar investment by New Image in the equipment necessary to best process Alpha Lipid colostrum properly. No other colostrum can compare.

Athlete : Colostrum gives quick muscle recovery.

Sick People: Live antibodies speed up recovery A LOT( trust me, it's A LOOOOOT).

Over-weight people : Growth hormone will dramatically increase your lean muscle, thus increasing your metabolism to burn more calories.

Under-weight people : Growth hormone will help you build up your body.

High Blood Pressure/Diabetic patient : Colostrum helps stabilize blood sugar/pressure level, this is a widely known fact.( you can check from internet)

People taking supplement: because it contains LOTS OF EXTRA GOODIES, TAKE A LOOK AT THE INGREDIENT

Can children take colostrum?
Absolutely. Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image can help growing children in many ways, from better concentration, increased memory plus children have a higher tendency to catch colds and illness from other schoolmates and Alpha Lipid colostrum will help immensely.

Can I take colostrum with other supplements and medications?
Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image actually helps your body and works to regulate your body's absorption rates. Alpha Lipid Colostrum heals the digestive tract so well that all substances eaten internally (food, herbs, natural healing substances, and medications) will become more bioavailability to the body. Although Alpha Lipid colostrum has no known drug interactions, you may find that the other supplements and medications that you are taking could have a more pronounced amd beneficial effect.

Do the immunoglobulins and growth factors in colostrum survive pasteurisation?
Tests carried out on Alpha Lipid colostrum (which is flash pasteurised at 72o C for 15 seconds) show that Alpha Lipid colostrum from New Image retains its bioactivity during this process.

How Does colostrum Differ From Plain Milk?
Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image not only contains all the goodness of milk but also contains significant levels of growth promoting and disease fighting substances commonly referred to as growth factors, immune factors and immunoglobulins. These substances are also present in milk but at negligible levels. Further, Alpha Lipid colostrum has a much higher protein, vitamin, and mineral content and is lower in lactose.

How does colostrum interact with other medicines and supplements?
Alpha Lipid Colostrum actually helps your body, and works to regulate your body's absorption rates. In effect, you will be getting more bang for your buck with everything you consume, whether it is water, supplements or food. You will be getting greater benefits because your body will be able to utilise the constituents more. You may even find that you don't need to take as much as normal because your body is able to absorb all the nutrients.

How does colostrum produce the anti-aging results?
Alpha Lipid Colostrum works with your body to utilise its natural substances and increases your overall health. After puberty our body begins slowing down the production of growth hormones. These hormones are necessary for the reproduction of all of our body's cellular tissue. It has been shown that by age 80 we are producing virtually no growth hormones and thus, we age and die. Alpha Lipid Colostrum's growth factors are the actual hormones that stimulate the normal reproduction of body cellular tissue. Normal reproduction means just that (normal) not aged, cancerous, wrinkled, or weakened. The New England Journal of Medicine (a few years back) stated that the most effective anti-aging process would be simply the replacement of growth hormones at proper levels to slow, possibly stop and even reverse the aging processes.

How Does Colostrum Work?
The main function in the new-born is in the form of transfer of passive immunity from the mother to the child. The mother has been exposed to a variety of environmental factors and organisms to which her immune system has produced antibodies during her lifetime. In transfer of passive immunity the mother passes on her complement of antibodies to these various factors onto her offspring. In humans and apes the mother passively immunises her young in-utero by passage of antibodies through the placenta. In animals where maternal antibodies do not pass the placental barrier (horses, cattle, pigs, and sheep) the young are passively immunised immediately after birth by way of colostrum. In these species the maternal antibodies present in the colostrum are absorbed directly through the gut in the first few days following birth.

How much colostrum should I take?
The amount of Alpha Lipid colostrum you take varies from person to person. The label suggests 2 to 3 capsules twice daily, but if you are recovering from an injury you may want to start by taking more than this. Also, if you feel a cold or flu coming on, you may want to increase your dosage, to help you recover more quickly and relieve your symptoms.

I am vegetarian and I do not eat animal food.
Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image is neither animal nor vegetable. We take very good care of our cattle and make sure they are healthy and live a long happy life. Mother Nature produced colostrum for every mammal on Earth and it is by far the healthiest choice as a food and health supplement. With that said, the choice is completely yours as to whether you use Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image or not.

Is Bovine Colostrum Safe?
Bovine colostrum has been used for years as a food supplement. It's use and safety is well documented. Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image is completely safe; it has no negative side effects and is a whole and natural food that can be consumed in ANY quantity. There are absolutely no toxicity levels. Further, the manufacture and use of dairy products and their associated safety and nutritional benefits are also well known. Thorough quality control management of the entire manufacturing process, from collection of the colostrum through to packaging and storage, ensures that Alpha Lipid colostrum from New Image is delivered in perfect condition, certified to be fit for human consumption.

Should I be taking colostrum if I am pregnant?
Alpha Lipid Colostrum definitely will not hurt you or your foetus, but as always with anything you take during pregnancy, you should check with your health care professional first. Once your baby is born, it would be beneficial to start taking Alpha Lipid colostrum right away. Alpha Lipid Colostrum will help boost your immune system, which suffers during child birth. It will help you recover faster and Alpha Lipid Colostrum will also help you to lose those extra pounds associated with pregnancy much more quickly.

What are Antibodies?
Antibodies are very specialised molecules that are produced by the body's immune system. They are produced in response to the host being exposed to an immunogenic or foreign substance (antigen) such as an infectious microbe. Their action is to ward off and/or neutralise potential disease-causing agents. An important feature of antibodies is that they are directed specifically to the antigen that induced their formation.

What are growth factors?
Growth factors are very small bioactive molecules, which promote growth and maturation of various cell types and tissues. They are found in very high concentrations in Alpha Lipid colostrum. They not only stimulate normal growth and development but also help regenerate and accelerate the repair of aged or injured muscle, skin, bone, cartilage and nerve tissues. Growth factors also stimulate the body to burn fat for fuel instead of muscle tissue in times of fasting or dieting. They also help build lean muscle and have been shown to have a positive effect on athletic performance.

What are Immune Factors?
In addition to immunoglobulins, there are other substances in Alpha Lipid colostrum that have an immune function. Collectively, these are termed "Immune Factors". Their function is to complement the various functions associated with the immune response.

What are Immunoglobulins?
The immunoglobulins are a group of specialised bioactive proteins or molecules found in serum and other tissue fluids, including the milk of all mammals. There are five classes of immunoglobulin that are recognised in mammals - Immunoglobulin G (IgG), Immunoglobulin A (IgA), Immunoglobulin M (IgM), Immunoglobulin E (IgE), and Immunoglobulin D (IgD).
The function of these molecules is to bind to invading organisms and to activate specific actions that help prevent to prevent infection and to rid the body of disease causing agents. They function in cell killing, inflammation and prevention of bacterial and viral attachment. The most prevalent class of immunoglobulin in all species is IgG. Immunoglobulins have an integral role in the immune defence system in that they form antibodies.

What if I'm a sports person?
Sports people's bodies need optimum nutrition and they frequently injure themselves when playing sport. Using Alpha Lipid colostrum is vital for sports people, both for optimum and faster rates of healing after injury. Referring to the growth factors, these help build lean muscle and have been shown to have a positive effect on athletic performance.

What if I'm lactose intolerant?
The amount of lactose in Alpha Lipid colostrum is scant - 163 mg. in two capsules compared to 13,000 mg. in one 8-oz glass of milk. In fact, we know of people with severe lactose intolerance since young who have taken Alpha Lipid colostrum successfully, with no ill effects. Further, they later became lactose tolerant and could use a full range of dairy products. Any discomfort would more likely be a sign that Alpha Lipid colostrum is healing the digestive tract.

What if I'm over weight?
Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image is great for making the body work more effectively, which makes weight loss easier. As mentioned previously, growth factors stimulate the body to burn fat for fuel instead of muscle tissue, in times of fasting or dieting.

Why do I need colostrum, as an adult?
The human body produces the maximum amount of growth factors in the early twenties. Once puberty has passed, our bodies begin the aging process by gradually producing less of the immune and growth factors that help us fight off disease and heal damaged body tissue. Alpha Lipid Colostrum is the only natural source of these life-giving components.

Why is Colostrum important?
Colostrum is the first food that is available to the new-born. It is not only highly nutritious but also contains substances (immunoglobulins and immune factors) that help to stimulate and augment the new-born's immune system thus helping to protect the vulnerable new-born from it's new potentially harmful environment (passive transmission of immunity). Further it contains substances (growth factors and cytokines) which act to stimulate the development, maturation and proliferation of various tissues and organs.

The significance of colostrum is best illustrated in farm animals, such as the horse, cow, goat, sheep and pig. In these animals passive transmission of immunity occurs after birth in the form of colostrum. If these animals do not receive colostrum in the first 12 - 24 hours following birth, they have a very good chance of not surviving (mortality rates of up to 25% have been reported).

Why New Zealand Colostrum?
New Zealand Alpha Lipid Colostrum is recognised as the world’s premium colostrum. Why? Because it is collected only from pasture-fed cows, that are pesticide, antibiotic and hormone free. New Zealand has a strong competitive advantage in colostrum production due in part to NZ's dairy cows all calving during a single three-month period each year.

This means NZ Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image is collected in bulk and transported in a fresh chilled state from farms to the processing plant, in the same way as milk. This is a critical production advantage, because gentle handling, and low temperature collection and process technology preserve Alpha Lipid Colostrum's active ingredients. In other countries, colostrum is collected in batches until there is enough to process. This means it must be stored for long periods before processing, so it is frozen. Rapid freezing and rapid thawing techniques prior to processing may cause damage to the protein molecules and may compromise the integrity and biological activity of the immunoglobulins, growth factors and other biologically active components.

The absolutely best source of colostrum is from the early milk of pasture fed, non-hyperimmunised, healthy New Zealand cows. It is our temperate climate combined with our farming practices which make New Zealand the absolute best supplier of Alpha Lipid colostrum. Further, New Zealand milk products are renowned worldwide for their quality and consistency in both manufacture and supply. International quality auditors to ISO 9001 standards certify the testing laboratories and all manufacturing facilities.

Side Effects? There are no negative side effects when using Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image and the growth factors produce significant positive side effects, which are:

  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Accelerates fat burning
  • Regulates mood swings
  • Balances blood sugar levels
  • Increases performance
  • Accelerates wound/tissue healing
  • Increases mental alertness

Pendapatan Tahunan Menjadi Pendapatan Bulanan Anda!!

Assalamu'alaikum W.B.T

Saya selalu mendengar orang kata "Work Smart and Work Hard", "Annual income become your Monthly income" "Work Hard for Your Dreams and Goals".....ini adalah beberapa kata-kata yg positif yg sentiasa saya semat di hati saya.

Menurut statistik di Malaysia , umumnya pendapatan tahunan kebanyakan rakyat malaysia ialah dalam sekitar rm20,000 hingga rm40,000 setahun. Kebanyakannya bekerja makan gaji.

Tetapi kami di dalam bisnes ini, tidak suka kepada statistik tersebut kerana kami telah buktikan ramai yang menjadi usahawan/pengedar Alpha Lipid mendapat pendapatan RM20,000 hingga RM50,000 setiap bulan!!!!

Jika anda tidak ikut kami, bermakna anda ketinggalan/kerugian dari segi masa dan wang. Jika setiap bulan dpt RM30,000 sebulan, bermakna dalam setahun ramai yg berpendapatan lebih RM300,000 setahun. Ini adalah TIDAK mustahil kerana produk ALPHA LIPID LIFELINE ini memang JADI.Ini belum dikira pendapatan WANG BONUS ROYALTI yg diterima setiap bulan Mac dan September......spt yg kami dah terima dan bakal terima lagi September 2009 nanti...

Adalah lebih berbaloi anda berusaha bersungguh-sungguh mencapai pendapatan sebanyak ini setiap bulan....berbanding bekerja makan gaji dan mendapat hanya sekitar rm3000 sahaja sebulan.Biarlah dalam hidup kita ini kita berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk mencapai sesuatu yang bermakna utk diri, keluarga dan masyarakat , hidup bukan hanya untuk kais pagi makan pagi , kais petang makan petang, setiap hari pergi kerja, hanya untuk membayar hutang. Siapa yang KAYA? Bank yg makin kaya....mengenakan RIBA, menekan orang....memufliskan ramai orang...

Tetapi kami di sini...memberi peluang untuk mencapai Financial Freedom....

Kesimpulan utama apa yang ditemui Ketua Saintis Mr Michail Borissenko ialah:

1. Kolostrum Alpha Lipid Lifeline telah terbukti secara klinikal berkesan terhadap bakteria, virus dan kulat (yis). Antibiotik yg dijual/diberi oleh doktor hanya berkesan terhadap bakteria....so kolostrum lebih POWER!!

2. Kolostrum Alpha Lipid Lifeline telah terbukti berkesan secara klinikal terhadap masalah penyakit usus terutamanya Cirit Birit(Diarrhea), Ulcer/gastrik, dan pelbagai masalah berkaitan usus yg lain.

3. Kolostrum Alpha Lipid telah terbukti berkesan secara klinikal terhadap masalah Jangkitan Saluran Pernafasan Atas (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection-URTI) seperti SARS, Influenza/Selsema, Cold + Flu, Resdung etc.

4. Setakat ini memang CONFIRMED kolostrum terbukti berkesan terhadap DIABETES/Kencing Manis dan GOUT (atritis)--yang ni memang beliau dah kaji memang berkesan.

Banyak lagi clinical papers yang beliau telah bentangkan...saya personally dah dapat beberapa salinan kajian klinikal dari beliau.

So anda tak perlu risau lagi...memang saintis dah kata KOLOSTRUM memang BAGUS. Kita yg TIDAK saintis ni patut lah ikut kata beliau....amalkan kolostrum Alpha Lipid Lifeline setiap hari insyaAllah anda akan terhindar dari penyakit!!

tetapi satu masalah je....lama-kelamaan jika anda amalkan Kolostrum Alpha Lipid setiap hari dan rekomen to friends/sedara mara lama-lama DUIT anda banyak lah pula!!!

Ini gambar encik asri baharain dan isteri (puan roki), bulan may 2008 berhenti kerja buat fulltime dapat rm12,000, now bulan november dapat bonus rm58,000!! dulu kerja engineer highway LDP...dulu pandu kancil je, now miliki kereta idaman 320series BMW!

Gambar yang diatas tu adalah abang ipar saya, Mohd Samhan Yusoff. Beliau masih bekerja di syarikat penerbangan MAS, dan membina peniagaan ini secara part-time sahaja. Dulu memandu kereta Waja sahaja, kini dah pandu kereta BMW 5series yang baru. Pendapatan beliau pun dah lebih RM50,000 sebulan.

Saya ceritakan kejayaan beberapa leaders/pemimpin dalam bisnes Alpha Lipid Lifeline ini agar kisah mereka menjadi inspirasi kepada anda semua. Semua pencapaian yang begitu drastik ini mereka capai dalam masa setahun sahaja...

Bayangkan jika anda ikuti bersama-sama kami, hidup anda akan berubah jauh lebih baik dari tahun-tahun sebelum ini...

Sertai pasukan kami untuk membina masa depan anda dengan Alpha Lipid Lifeline...

Saya ingin mewar-warkan bahawa Alpha Lipid Lifeline adalah "Breakfast Drink for Smart People - Sarapan Pagi untuk Orang Bijak"

Kepada Semua para pengedar , anda harus promote/warwarkan perkataan ini "Breakfast Drink for Smart People- Sarapan Pagi untuk Orang Bijak"

Kenapa? --Kita mahu orang ramai mengamalkan Alpha Lipid Lifeline sebagai sarapan pagi yang paling berkhasiat dan bermanfaat untuk kesihatan mereka. Amalkan minum Alpha Lipid Lifeline di awal pagi waktu perut kosong, selepas tu baru ambil makanan/sarapan lain yang biasa anda makan spt nasi lemak, roti canai,teh tarik and so on...

Kenapa ambil waktu Pagi?--Biasanya di awal pagi perut masih kosong. Jika anda ambil Alpha Lipid yg penuh khasiatnya, maka penyerapan zat-zat akan sempurna. Tambahan pula jika ambil di awal pagi ia memudahkan anda ingat setiap pagi minum Alpha Lipid Lifeline. Selain itu, apabila anda keluar rumah untuk bekerja, bermakna anda "memagarkan/membenteng" diri anda dari ancaman virus/bakteria/kulat (patogen) yang sentiasa menyerang badan manusia setiap hari...

Saya dapati jika anda amalkan Alpha Lipid Lifeline sebagai Sarapan Pagi setiap hari maka insyaAllah anda akan sentiasa sihat walafiat dan dapat jauhkan diri anda dari penyakit...

Saya sendiri setiap hari mengamalkannya setiap pagi. Jika setiap rumah/keluarga di Malaysia mengamalkannya setiap pagi, saya pasti ramai rakyat Malaysia akan sihat dan masalah penyakit kronik seperti sakit jantung, stroke, kencing manis, darah tinggi, hiperkolesterol dan lain-lain dapat dihindar. Maka kuranglah perbelanjaan kerajaan terhadap ubat-ubatan penyakit kronik. Produktiviti negara akan bertambah kerana rakyatnya sihat belaka...

Tapi saya tak jangka semua orang akan mengamalkan Alpha Lipid Lifeline Sebagai Breakfast Drink for Smart People kerana HANYA mereka yang BIJAK/SMART sahaja yang mengamalkannya sebagai sarapan pagi.

Anda perlu ingat, Alpha Lipid Lifeline adalah makanan semulajadi kurniaan Allah s.w.t, ia bukan ubat. Jika anda ada penyakit kronik, anda harus sentiasa melawat doktor untuk merawat penyakit anda, tetapi ramai yang mengamalkan Alpha Lipid Lifeline sebagai sarapan pagi mengalami peyembuhan dan penstabilan penyakit ini kerana ia adalah anugerah ilahi...

Tak usah sibuk nak tanya kenapa baik utk penyakit tu , baik utk ini, ,...jawapannya mudah...---ia adalah ANUGERAH ILAHI---kurniaan ilahi kepada hambanya...

Sekian dulu